The Great Dark Night

Shivratri or the great night of Shiva is observed on the 14th day of every lunar month. Amongst the 12, the one that falls in February-March is of most spiritual significance and is called Maha Shivratri. 

On this night, planetary positions provide a natural upsurge of energy & can push us towards our spiritual peak. It is thus a practice to meditate upon the Lord’s name all night, singing, dancing & basking in divine energy. A fast is observed by many by eating only fruits all day to cleanse their body along with their minds. 

Some may ask, how can one worship darkness?  Isn’t the whole purpose of prayer to lead unto light? 

The darkness of a Shivratri night represents the absence of vices or wordly attachment. It is the consciousness that all that is, or seems to be, is destroyable; what truly will BE is the presence of THE ONE- with whom everything is ONE.

 It is a powerful drift away from ‘Maya’ (material illusion) & towards ‘Chitt’ (consciousness). 

Darkness is the blank canvas presented to paint the unadultered bright light of our true being, of the self, of the ‘Nirguna Nirakar’ (formless), of SHIV.

Shiv- who is synonymous with being the first YOGI- The ADIYOGI.

To many of us, a yogi is merely someone clad in orange/black robes, with a long beard & ash smeared on his forehead or body. 

But in the real sense, a YOGI is one who is free from bonds of life & death, who cares not about fame or insult; victory or defeat; profit or loss; one who has conquered the 5senses, who is beyond hunger & thirst; sleep & exhaustion; attraction & attachment. He who sees himself in all and all in himself. Shiva is the embodiment of truth; of nothingness; of Oneness; and as paradoxical as it may sound, HE is the very establishment of light- WITHIN.

In times when there is brightness outside and darkness inside, He is a reminder to black out the external and light up from within.

In times where everything is relative, He exemplifies, everything is autonomous.

While all else points us to be better than thy neighbor, He is reminder, to be better than thy self.

In times when we get ‘trained’ answers at the pressing of a voice command, He teaches us to listen to the ‘intuitive’ voice of our soul-command.

In an age where millions battle mental health through ‘medications’, He is the guide that will take us to the state of Sat-Chit-Anand (True state of consciousness and bliss) through ‘meditation’.

In today’s world of filters, Shiva reminds us of the beauty & purity in NO FILTERS.

“Chidanand Rupah Shivoham Shivoham”