Hey Beautiful….Woman Up !

Hey beautiful- Woman Up ! 

Gentle like a feather

Fierce like fire.

Still like a mountain

Flowing like a river.

Swift like a cheetah

Calm like a dove. 

Rising like a phoenix

Settling like ash. 

Fluttery like a butterfly

Abundant like the sky.

Happy like a child,

Intense like the wild.

We are nature’s beautiful stride.

Love is our answer,

Compassion, our passion.

Kindness is our strength,

Nurturing, our wealth. 

Calmness is our nature,

Protection, our instinct. 

Leading is our fate,

Learning, is innate.

Guiding is our power,

Strength, our cover. 

Forgiveness is our might,

Seeking, our right.

‘Equals’ is a fight we still often fight. 

Daughter, Sister, Friend, Teacher;

Lover, Partner, Wife, Mother;

Employee,Boss, Entreprenuer, Home maker;

We are nature’s caretakers. 

Now let’s pause a little & be a woman first,

Indulge in Self-care & Self-Love is a must.

Inhale happiness, Exhale miseries,

Inhale Gratitude, Exhale worries. 

Woman Up, we don’t need to become like men. 

Woman Up, what the world needs is more Women.
